
Kulyash Kozhamzharova

Contact data:

Academic position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: master of pedagogy

Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: pedagogy and psychology

Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

-         2014-2017 Republic of Kazakhstan - Doctoral PhD of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, specialty "6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology";

-         2011-2013 Republic of Kazakhstan - Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, master's degree in the specialty "6М010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology";

-         1997 - 2011 Republic of Kazakhstan - KazGU it. Al-Farabi, graduate school;

-         1983 - 1987. Republic of Kazakhstan - KazGosZhenPI, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Work Experience:

-         2024 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.

-         2021-2023 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education and Psychology.

-         2003-2021 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music Education and Pedagogy.

-         1995-2002, the RSE on PHV "Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov" - senior lecturer;

-         1992-1995 Teacher of Pedagogical College No. 1 in Almaty;

-         1988 - 1992 Kindergarten teacher № 62 in Almaty;

Honors, awards (national, international):


-         2022 badge of the meritorious employee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, certificate No. 01-056, National Innovative Research Center «Education and Civilization” , Kazakhstan

-         2017 Letter of Appreciation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

-         2014 Certificate of honor, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


- Publications (foreign and local):

Title of the article // Output data

- «Experimental research of psychological of development of communicative competence in high school», Pedagogy, Volume 94, Number 3s, Март, 2022, Web of Science

- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Title of the article // Output data


- Participation in conferences:

Conference name, institution, country, date

- «Current issues of communication skills, psychology and social work in medicine: from theory to practice», IX International annual scientific and practical conference, May 11-12, 2023, Almaty


- Studies, monographs, textbooks:


Research interests:

The area of ​​scientific interests is related to psychological support of personality development, psychology of motivation of educational and professional activities, psychology of communication.

Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

-         08-12.01.2024. “Training on self-regulation of emotional state”, 72 hours, “School of Pedagogical Excellence”, Almaty, certificate No. 1138;

-         02.07.2023. «Modern pedagogical technologies in education», 36 hours, Republican Information and Methodological Center «Enlightenment», Astana, Certificate FI-0004 No. 0000231

-         06.16.-06.29.2022, «Communication skills in the healthcare system», 120 hours, Almaty, certificate No. 1712

-         02-December 15, 2021. «Fundamentals of clinical psychology», European Psychoanalytic Association, 72 hours, certificate No. 51/2021, Austria, Vienna; Almaty, Kazakhstan;


Foreign Language Proficiency:

English - beginning