
Department of String Instruments

History of the department

    One of the first performing departments of the Alma-Ata State Conservatory was the orchestral, which included violinist E.Antopolslyi, cellist L.Edelman, double bass player A.Fatyanov, oboist V.Fedorov, clarinetist A.Vasilyev. Its head was appointed a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the class of L.Auer, violinist I. Lesman. The cello class was headed by L. Edelman, and A. Fat`yanov became the founder of the double-bass school in Kazakhstan. In 1949, the orchestral department of the conservatory was reorganized into two independent departments - string instruments and wind percussion instruments.

The first staff of the department, headed by K. Babayev, included L.Shargorodsky, V.Hess, who headed its work for more than 15 years (1955-1970). The effective pedagogical activity of the musician, begun in 1947, led to the formation of the V. Hess School, which included N. Patrushev, O. Shulpyakov, F.Mavridi, M.Polevoy, V.Anashkin, B.Dubrov, M.Serkebaev, J. Shulpyakova, D. Smolentseva, A. Kagenov, N. Chepurnova, V. Chuhlov, L. Sidorenko, M. Kozhamkulova. A.Akbarov, S.Miklashevsky, M.Kogan, P.Behler, N.Kadashnikov, R.Takezhanova, E.Nakipbekova, J.Mavridi, S.Syrlybayev.

In the 50s, the following members became members of the department: I. Kogan, J. Soroker, N. Davydov, S.Kreps, V.Pankratov, Ya.Fudiman. In 1960, Ya.Fudiman created a chamber orchestra of the Conservatory (the first in the republic).

Professors from Moscow, Leningrad and other leading universities of the country, among whom were G.I. Pekker, L.N. Raaben, V.I. Avratinin, M.I. Vaiman, provided great methodological assistance to the string department. In the 60s, B.Kozhamkulova, N.Patrusheva, D.Baspayev, A.Tolganbaev, D.Smolentseva.

The creative activity of the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chevalier of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and Dostyk, the winner of the Tarlan Independent Prize N.Patrusheva and People's Artist of the Republic, Professor D.Baspayev were many-sided. Later, the department worked: D.Kaseinov, now a professor, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Rector of the ASC from 1987 to 1997, former Minister of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, G.Hodzhikova, A.Akbarov, K.Andarbayev.

In 1980, on the basis of the string instruments department, two independent divisions were formed: the violin department and the viola, cello, harp and double bass department.

The violin department was headed by Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor B.Kozhamkulova, then it was replaced by Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. Khismatullin, People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Independent Award “Platinum Tarlan”, laureate of international competitions A.Musakhodzhaev - now the rector of the Kazakh National University of Arts (Astana), the Department of VCHDB was led by Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor K.Narbekov and the Commander of the Order "Kurmet", Professor Ya.Fudiman.

 Young teachers came to the violin department and went through the Moscow Conservatory School - А.Karmysova, A.Nusuppaev, R.Takezhanova. The VCHDB department was strengthened by graduates of the assistant-internship of the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories A. Gornovsky, N.Karimov, A.Buribaev.

In 1997, the department of string instruments again became one, headed by the People’s Artist of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Commander of the Order “Kurmet”, laureate of international competitions, artistic director of the State ensemble of classical music “Camerata Kazakhstan” G.Murzabekova. In 2008-2016, the work of the department was headed by the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor A.Karmysova.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, A.Dzhulmukhamedova, N.Sagimbaev, K.Khalilova, E.Kurmanaev, M.Kerimbaev, D.Mahmood, E. Amreev.came to work in the department.

Over the past decade, the department has been strengthened by experienced teachers. Honored worker of Kazakhstan A.A. Abatova, candidate of pedagogical sciences S.Zhusupova, A.Bekenova and young specialists E.Saparbayev, A.Gadeeva, A.Emreeva.

Over the years of the department’s existence, its teachers have trained a large number of highly professional specialists. Among the graduates of the department are National and Honored Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Art Workers, laureates and students of various international and republican competitions. Representatives of three generations have always worked and work at the department, which is very optimal for the creative pedagogical process. Head Department of Professor G.Murzabekova successfully managed to combine the many years of experience of the older generation, the pedagogical talent of experienced teachers, and the energy of young teachers open to innovation and experimentation.

The relationship with the middle link is continuous - music schools named after K. Baiseitova and A. Zhubanov, college named after P.Tchaikovsky, with creative teams - the future place of work of graduates of the department from the State ensemble of classical music "Camerata Kazakhstan" to the orchestras of the Abay Opera House and SASO of Kazakhstan. The Department of String Instruments is working on the implementation of its far-reaching plans, it faces large-scale tasks that correspond to the realities of the new time and the department is ready to solve them.

Teacher Staff:
Korlan Khalilova – Head of the Department, Senior Lecturer
Aizhan Bekenova – PhD, Associate Professor
Gaukhar Murzabekova
 – People's Artist of Kazakhstan, Professor
Roza Takezhanova – Professor
Gennady Kim – Senior Lecturer
Alma Abatova  – Honored worker of Kazakhstan, Professor
Aizhan Dzhulmukhamedova – Professor
Saule Zhussupova – Professor
Yerlan Amreyev – Associate Professor
Nurlan Sagimbayev – Associate Professor
Dina Kurmanalinova – Associate Professor
Diana Mahmood – PhD, Associate Professor
Yermek Kurmanaev – Associate Professor
Yerkebulan Saparbayev – Senior Lecturer
Akmaral Emreyeva – Senior Lecturer
Bakir Utepbergenov – Lecturer
Ai-Kerim Gadeyeva – Lecturer
Dinara Bazarbayeva-Sakhaman – Lecturer
Zarina Sugurova – MA, Lecturer
Zhiger Azhiyev – Lecturer
Arna Bimasheva – MA, Lecturer
Eldar Aitbekov – MA, Lecturer