Nurlanova Gulnara
Contact information:
Academic position: Professor
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «Piano»
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
- 1988-1990 – RK, Kurmangazy Almaty State Conservatory, Assistantship and internship
- 1979-1984 – Russia, Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky, Concert performer, teacher, accompanist, chamber band soloist
Work Experience:
- 1992-2021 – Teacher of the Special Piano Department of the Republican Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School for Gifted Children named after K. Baiseitova
- 1985-present – Professor of the Special Piano Department of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory
Honors, awards (national, international):
- 2020 – “Excellence in the field of Culture” award / RK Ministry of Culture and Sports / Kazakhstan
- 2015 – “Ahmet Baitursynuly” Silver Medal / Association of higher educational institutions of RK / Kazakhstan
- 1990 – Awardee of the Regional Competition of the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan / Kyrgyzstan State Conservatory / Kyrgyzstan
- Narova Zh.
- Akshpekova L.
- Matnazarova Sh.
- Aimakova M.
- Altukhova M.
- Aminova G.
- Kabdrahmanova N.
- Kazymbek A.
- Tuitebayeva A.
Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
Peculiarities of Performance of Piano Transcriptions of F. Liszt // “National Style in Performing Art”, International Scientific and Practical Conference, Almaty, 2020
“Everything that memory tries to preserve for me” (A. Blok) // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Professional Music Education: History, Theory, Practice”, Almaty, 2019
The Unity of Texture and Form in Piano Works of Kazakh Composers // Performing arts: History, Methodology and Practice: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Almaty, 2019
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Musical Instruments of the XVII-XVIII Centuries as Part of The Study of Bach’s Keyboard Music // Музыкальные инструменты XVII-XVIII веков в рамках изучения музыки клавира Баха. (2020). Saryn, 8(2), 27-34.
- Participation in conferences:
National Style in Performing Art, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2020
Professional Music Education: History, Theory, Practice, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
Performing arts: History, Methodology and Practice, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
Research interests:
Piano art in the world cultural space in general, and piano art in Kazakhstan in particular, as well as general problems of piano performance.
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
2023 – Master class by Professor Jose Manuel Fernandez, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty, 36 hours
2021 – “Modern Problems in the Methodology and Practice of Instrumental Performance”, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State University”, Russia, Barnaul, advanced training, 72 hours
2020 – “Online Learning: Possibilities and Practical Application”, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty, courses, 72 hours
2020 – “Distance learning in technical and vocational, higher educational institutions: from content creation to organization of the educational process”, NJSC “Talap”, Almaty, courses 36 hours
2020 – “Organization of independent work of students in distance learning conditions”, NJSC “Talap”, Almaty, courses, 36 hours
2018 – “II International Competition for Young Performers named after Rudolf Hummert in the specialty Piano”, Kazan State Conservatory named after Zhiganov, Russia, Kazan, internship, 32 hours
Foreign Language Proficiency:
English - B1