
Marina Ivanova

Иванова М.В. (2).jpg

  Nationality: Kazakhstan 

 Contact information:

E-mail: е

Position: senior teacher 


The name of speciality and code: «Piano, Organ»; 

Full-time employee                          


1. EDUCATION:         

1. Kazakh State Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, University degree (2001);

2. Kazakh National Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, post-graduated course, (2004).








 Best accompanist    




 Best accompanist

 Europäisches Jugendchor Festival-Wetbewerb Basel    



 Best accompanist





2016 – Kazakh National Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Senior Teacher of Department of Ensemble Art - Accompaniment Class          2008-2011 – Kazakh National Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Senior Teacher of Department of Accompaniment Mastership and Chamber Ensemble - Accompaniment Class, Accompaniment Practice.

2007-2008 – Kazakh National Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Teacher of Department of Piano - Accompaniment Class, Accompaniment Practice.

2004-2007 – Kazakh National Conservatory of Kurmangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Teacher of Department of Accompaniment Mastership - Accompaniment Class, Accompaniment Practice.

2001-2004 – Music and Choir School №1, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Piano Teacher.

1996-2001 – Kazakh State Academy of Arts of Zhurgenov, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Concertmaster of the Department of Musical and Drama Theatre.

1993-1996 – Temirtau Musical College, Temirtau, Kazakhstan. Concertmaster of the Department of Choral Conducting 


1. Darya Zhukova - diploma of the XIII International Competition-Festival "Silver Voice", Prague 2015;

2. Aygerim Kurmanbayeva – diploma of 47th Republican Competition, Almaty 2013;




Name of publication

                                                                            Name of edition, year



Primary music education in the sociocultural conditions of contemporaneity

 Collection of articles "Music education: today and tomorrow," "Veretelny O.G." – Almaty, 2009


The value of participation in competitions, festivals  in ethnic culture formation of a competitive personality of students

 Collection of articles "Music education: today and tomorrow," "Veretelny O.G." – Almaty, 2009


Innovative activity in the musical culture: myths and reality

 Collection of articles "Musical Culture: Past and Present" (Roundtable materials) – Almaty, 2009


Some aspects of accompanist training

 Materials of the international scientific-practical conference

"Chamber music: the history of the genre, performance, interpretation " - Almaty, 2010


 Evaluation of educational achievements of students in the period of intermediate certification: content, forms, documents

 Materials of the internal training seminar «The system of evaluation of educational achievements of students" - Almaty, 2010.


 Teachers and students in the innovation activities of the Faculty of Instrumental Performance

 Collection of articles "Contribution of the Faculty of Instrumental Performance in the innovative development of KNC of Kurmangazy in the framework of the "Strategy of development of music education in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2007-2012." – Almaty, 2012


 Faculty of Instrumental Performance - the musicians of the new formation

 Collection of articles "Contribution of the Faculty of Instrumental Performance in the innovative development of KNC of Kurmangazy in the framework of the "Strategy of development of music education in the Republic of Kazakhstan 2007-2012." – Almaty, 2012


 Formation of competitive personality through music education

 Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of KazNUA «II Boranbayev readings: the problem of formation of ethnocultural creatosphere of the students in the system of art education"- Astana, 2013


Some special features of future accompanist training in modern educational space

Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of M.Tulebayev - Almaty, 2013


Jazz improvisation in modern music education and in the preparation of a professional musician

Materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the KNC of. Kurmangazy "Actual problems, experience and prospects for the development of traditional and contemporary music"- Almaty, 2014




Name of the conference

Name of the organization










 International scientific-practical conference "Chamber music: the history of the genre, performance, interpretation"

 KNC of Kurmangazy

 Almaty, Kazakhstan



 International scientific-practical conference

«II Boranbayev readings: the problem of formation of ethnocultural creatosphere of the students in the system of art education"


 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan



 International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems, experience and prospects for the development of traditional and contemporary music"

 KNC of Kurmangazy

 Almaty, Kazakhstan




1. Seminar «Vocal Pop and Soul», International Choir Festival «EUROPA CANTAT XVI», Mainz, Germany, 2006;

2. Seminar «Songbridge», Higher School of Music, «6 Europäisches Jugendchor Festival-Wettbewerb Basel», Basel, Switzerland 2007;

3. Seminar «Musical Journey around the World», International Choir Festival «EUROPA CANTAT XVII», Utrecht, The Netherlands 2009;

4. Seminar "Management in Education", IBA, 2012-2013;

5. Seminars and workshops of Administration of the Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester, UK) for the sharing of experiences, Almaty 2012;

6. Courses «Berklee at Umbria Jazz Clinics and Festival», Umbriya, Italy, 2012;

7. Courses of Faculty of Retraining National Training Center of additional education "Modern approaches to the organization of social and personal development of children in the musical direction of additional education", Almaty, 2013;

8. Workshops of Marshev O.V. - professor of “Anton Bruckner University” (Linz, Austria), Almaty 2014;

9. Seminar "New design of educational programs in the context of the competence-based approach", Almaty, 2016;