
Medeubayeva Saule

   Contact information:


Academic position: Professor


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: . «Piano B-1 №080653». «Piano №257 (001186)»


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

- «Piano B-1 №080653» Alma-Ata state conservatory named by Kurmangazy;

- «Piano №257 (001186)» Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy.


Work Experience:


1. 1976-1981 – Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata state conservatory named by Kurmangazy;

2. 1983-1985 – Kazakhstan, Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy (Assistantship).

3. Organizer and ideological inspirer of the International chamber music festival since 2016.


Honors, awards (national, international):

- DIPLOM «The best teaсher», The First Open competition of chamber music LG Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy       Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2014

- Excellent of education Ministry of cultury and sport   Kazakhstan, Almaty

- The Baytursynov silver medal         Association of High Study University Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2014

DIPLOM «The best teaсher», IVth International competition «Harmonia» The regional ministry of culture of the city of Antalya and the cultural department of Side        Turkish, Antalya, Side, 2014



1. Toktogan A, Simakhina J, Martsinkus T. – Grand-Prize (First competition of chamber music LG, Almaty, 2004);

2. Muldagalieyeva D, Kalko O. – Second Prize (The First open competition of chamber music LG, Almaty, 2004);

3. Kim S, Bazarbayeva D, Karatayev T. – Diplom and Special Prize of the Scientific Library named by S. Taneev. (International N.G. Rubinshtein competition of chamber ensembles and string quartets, Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky, 2010;

4. Omirbeckova M, Narbeckov M. – First Prize (XIV International M. Judina competition of chamber music, St-Petersburg conservatory named by Rimsky-Korsakov, 2014);

5. Omirbeckova M, Narbeckov M. – Special Prize «The Best Duo», «The Best Cello» (XXI International J. Brahms music competition, Austria, 2014);

6. Omirbeckova M, Narbeckov M. – First Prize (XVII International Festivale of creative artistic youth «Shabyt», Nur-Sultan, 2014);

7. Antipina A., Bayuzakova G., Zholaman B. – Grand-Prize (IVth International competition «Harmonia», Turkish, Antalya, Side, 2014);

8. Iskakova D, Van M – Therd Prize (Vth International competition «Harmonia», Turkish, Antalya, Side, 2015);

9. Atageldieva S., Isayeva A., Aitbeckov E. – Third Prize (XXI International Festivale of creative artistic youth «Shabyt», Nur-Sultan, 2018). More 100 graduates

10. Demesinova A., Abdrakhmanova A., Kuspanov A. - 1st prize, Republican Chamber Music Festival "Auen Fest", Almaty, September 2019.

11. I Republican competition of chamber ensembles named after S. Syrlybaev - Atageldieva S., Isaeva A., Salamat J 1st prize, Astana, May 2023

12. I Republican competition of chamber ensembles named after S. Syrlybaev Tannur A., Akiner A., Mukhanbetkali Sh. - 2nd prize, Astana, May 2023.

13. D. Babaev, N. Akbergenov – I International competition “Fortepianima” - (Russia, Moscow, 2024), 1st prize


Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


- Publications (foreign and local):

Methodological recommendations for the development of academic disciplines in higher education institutions in the direction of "Art"

         Instructions and recommendations     Methodological recommendations for the study of the discipline "Specialty" and "Performing arts" (chamber ensemble) Almaty, 2019

Collection of scientific and methodological articles        Editor-compiler    Almaty , 2022

Collection of articles from the Department of Ensemble Art     Editor-compiler    Almaty, 2023

“Dedication to the master”       article “Kazakhstan is in my heart. Dedication to the Kogan musical dynasty" Almaty, 2023


- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Article “The problem of integrated of freedom in global world of philosophical science”, co-authored (Scopus magazine)

- Participation in conferences:


International scientific and practical conference "Performing Arts: History, methodology, practice" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the KNK.Kurmangazy "To be a teacher... .../ Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy/ Kazakhstan, Almaty 09.04.2019

International scientific and practical conference "Professional music education: History, theory, practice" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the KNK.Kurmangazy "From the history of the Chamber Ensemble Department"       Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy         Kazakhstan /Almaty       27.11.2019г.-


Studies, monographs, textbooks:


- Methodological recommendations for mastering academic disciplines in universities in the direction of “Art”. Methodological recommendations for studying the discipline “Specialty” and “Performance” (chamber ensemble) Almaty, 2019.


Research interests:


Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):


2. 09.11-20.11.2004, «Native chamber music of the XIX-XX century», training faculty of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky, certificate №82;

3. 18-23.01.2016, «Development of management competence in the sphere of education», Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy, certificate №32;

4.   12.03.2014, «ESTS», Institute of Qualification Improvement», certificate №521;

5. 09.2012-11.2013, «Management in education», IAB, certificate №218;

6. 26-30.11.2012, «Preparation to the institutional accreditation», Doctor D. Edvards, Kazakh national conservatory named by Kurmangazy;

7. 28.07.2012, «The Sistem of providing the quality of education», IAAR, Kazakhstan, certificate №0173; «Musical pedagogical innovations in higher education», professor Kirnarskaya, The Russian Academy of Music named Gnesin;

9. «Management in education and business in music», expert Fulbright Specialist program Dr/ David Ray;4

10. 18-24.06.2020 Online learning: Opportunities and practical application

11. 06/18/2020 WEB Seminar "Ways of organizing distance learning" ( Project manager Zigangirova A.E.)

12. 19-24.10.2022 Advanced training course within the framework of the international forum-festival "Auer's Legacy", Almaty, 2022

13. 26.10.-15.12.2022 Advanced training course "Improvement of the educational process in the classes of chamber ensemble and string quartet" Altai State University

14.01-14.02.2022 Advanced training course "Management in education" MES RK Toraigyrov University

18-22.11.2022 Advanced training course Topics: "Features of piano mastery", "Features of cello mastery", "Features of ensemble mastery", D. Novgorodsky - Professor at the University of Ithaca (New York, USA), O.Sendetsky - Honored Artist of Russia, concertmaster of the Mariinsky Theater cello group, S. Kim – Laureate of international competitions, senior lecturer at the A.Bruckner University of Music, Dance and Acting, Linz (Austria)


Participation in international master-classes:


25.08-31.08.2011, Master-class: Voskresensky, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

01.11-307.11.2011, Master-class: Ivanov, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

21.10-27.10.2011, Master-class: Botvinovskaya, professor Kaliningrad.

06.08-13.08.2011, Master-class: Kopylov, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

26.09-02.10.2011, Master-class : Nersesjan, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

25.09-07.10.2012, Master-class: Seregina, professor of the St-Petersburg conservatory named by Rimsky-Korsakov

15.10-28.10.2012, Master-class: Ostrovsky, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

01.10-04.10.2012, Master-class: Alikhanov, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

22.05-30.05.2012, Master-class: Sorokina, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

14.11-21.11.2012, Master-class: Golovin, professor (Jeneva).

25.10-4.11.2013, Master-class: Kotlyarevsky, of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

11.2013, Master-class: Galkovsky, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

17.02-26.02.2013, Master-class: Lida Chen (viola, Switzerland).

19-27.03. 2014, Master-class: String Quartet «Sonore» (Germany).

22.05.2014, Master-class: Semishina, professor of the St-Petersburg conservatory named by Rimsky-Korsakov.

19.05.2014, Master-class: Ivanov, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

8.11.2013, Master-class: Sendetsky, professor of the St-Petersburg conservatory named by Rimsky-Korsakov.

10-19.11.2015 Master-class: L.Isakadze, professor of the Moscow state conservatory named by Thaikovsky.

19-24.10.2022 Master class of foreign specialists within the framework of the international forum-festival "Auer's Legacy", A.Aranovskaya, S.Groschan, Denis von Meck

22.09. 2022, Master class by Mikhail Katz (France), winner of the Golden Menorah "Bnei-Brit", the French Gold Medal for Merit and devotion, the UNESCO Five Continents Medal and the gold medal of the World League of Public Welfare

18-22.11.2022 Master classes of foreign specialists within the framework of the International Chamber Music Festival, D. Novgorodsky - Professor at the University of Ithaca (New York, USA), O.Sendetsky - Honored Artist of Russia, concertmaster of the Mariinsky Theater cello group, S. Kim - Laureate of international competitions, senior lecturer at the University of Music, Dance and acting named after A.Bruckner, Linz (Austria)


Foreign Language Proficiency:

English – А2