
Sholpan Altbaybaeva

Алтайбаева Ш..jpg

            Contact details:


            Academic position: Associate Professor

            Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: "High school French teacher." Э №173500


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

- 1976 – 1979 – RK, Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(APIFL) Full-time postgraduate study, Department of General Linguistics

- 1972 – 1974, RK, Higher Pedagogical (2-year) courses at APIFL, giving the right to teach a foreign language in higher education. Diploma with honors.

- 1965 – 1970, RK, Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of French.


Work Experience:

- 2010 – to present – Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.

- 2010 – 2011 – teacher of French (under contract) at the Kazakh Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting (KIMEP)

- 2007 – 2009 - translator, French-Kazakh joint venture (JV) KATCO

- 2006 – 2007- proofreader - editor of the Russian version of the publication of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Diplomatic Courier” of the IIS RGKP “KHOZU MFA of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

- 1993-2005 - permanent Representative of the French bank SOCIETE GENERALЕ (SG) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, assistant to the Representative of SG in the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputy Representative of SG in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- 1992 – 1993 - chief specialist (translator) in the French-Kazakh JV “Kazakhstan Trading Organization”.

- 1971–1992 – associate professor, senior lecturer, teacher of various aspects of the French language at the Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

- 1970 – 1971 - senior researcher (translator) of the WHO International Plague Reference Center at the Central Asian Research Anti-Plague Institute of Мinistry of healthcare USSR.


Honors, awards (national, international):


- 2024 – Letter of gratitude for active participation in the production of the musical “Shaken world”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy and the 110th anniversary of the founding father of national cinema, Shaken Aimanov, as well as for his contribution to stimulating student activity in the field of art. Signature: Acting Rector of the KNK named after Kurmangazy N. Ashirov.

- 2023 – Diploma for active participation in the republican competition “Best Teacher 2023”, organized by the Society of Teachers of the RK in the nomination “Excellence in Education” for work recognized as the best.

- 2021 – In connection with the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medal “Eren enbegi ushin” (“For labor distinction”) No. 14408. Decree and signature of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


- 2020 - Letter of gratitude for active participation in events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the International Organization of Francophonie. Signed: Ambassador of France to Kazakhstan Mr. Philippe Martinet and Director of the French Alliance (Almaty) Ms. Laure du Teillet.

- 2020 - Letter of gratitude for active participation in the educational and public life of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, as well as for contribution to stimulating student activity in the field of art. Signature: Rector of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy A. Zhudebayev.

- 2019 – Honorary diploma for active participation in competitions organized on the occasion of the “French Language Week”, within the framework of Francophone Spring - 2019. Signature: Director of the French Alliance of Almaty Ms. Laure du Teillet, President of the Kazakhstan Association of French Language Teachers Aigul Doszhanova

- 2019 – Badge “Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy is 75 years old” Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. Signature: Rector of the KNK named after Kurmangazy A. Zhudebayev.



Erlanova Madina - Diploma of finalist of the Francophone song competition held by the Alliance Française Almaty, 2019

Zhetkerbaev Robert - Diploma of participation in the Francophone song competition held by the Alliance Française Almaty, 2019


Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)

- Publications (foreign and local):

- “Angel in a Skullcap” – radiance through time...” Economic newspaper “Business Kazakhstan”, February 24, 2023. No. 7(854). The article is an interview of journalist Aigul Beysenova with Sholpan Altaybaeva, the performer of the main role of Aisha in the musical comedy “Angel in a Skullcap” by Sh. Aimanov.


- “My return”, or a lullaby for a granddaughter.” An interview of journalist Galia Shimyrbaeva with Sholpan Altaybaeva, actress, linguist, scientist. 4.5 pp. “KAZAKHSTAN Pravda”, April 9, 2021

- “Aimanov had no random people.” Social and political newspaper of Kazakhstan “TIME”, January 26, 2021. Memories of actress Sholpan Altaybayeva, who played in the famous film “Angel in a Skullcap”. Author: Oksana Vasilenko. 4.5 pp.

- “Teacher, before your name...” To the 100th anniversary of Professor M.M. Kopylenko. Respublika kokhamdyk-sayasi aptalyk “Kazakh uni”, No. 52 (922), 28 zheltoksan 2020. Author: Sholpan Altaybayeva

- “Sholpan Altaybaeva, Galym, film actress: “Cinema influenced my destiny”. Authors: Kultoleu Mұkash. "Kazak uni" newspaper. 10/26/2019.


- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

- Article “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of vocalists in the system of higher music education” in the international journal “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION 2023: CENTRAL ASIA”. No. 2 (20). Series "Pedagogical Sciences". Astana, Kazakhstan. September 15-20, 2023. pp.51-54.

- Article “Formation of intercultural competence in the practice of teaching foreign languages ​​at an university.” International scientific and practical journal “XVI-Global Sciences and Innovations 2022. Central Asia.” Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. No. 2(16), April 2022. (pp. 87-91).


Participation in conferences:

- Certificate of participation in the Conference “Woman of Turkic-speaking countries as a keeper of traditions and creator of a new world” within the framework of the 2nd Kurultai of women of the Turkic world. Kazakhstan, Almaty, October 27, 2023.


- Studies, monographs, textbooks:

- “French language. Beginning course." Textbook for students of KNK named after Kurmangazy, studying in the specialty “Vocal art”. A textbook for students of music universities, colleges and faculties. Almaty, 2022. 90 pp. Author-compiler: Altaibaeva Sh.Yu.


Research interests:

Intercultural communication. Language situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems of development and dissemination of the state language in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Francophonie. Problems of the development and spread of the French language in the world. History of Kazakh science, culture and art.


Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

- Certificate of participation: 1) in advanced training seminars organized by the Association of French Language Teachers. Almaty, June 21-23, 2023;   2) in the webinar on November 24, 2023. Total: 80 hours.

- Certificate of participation in an online professional development course within the framework of an educational and methodological seminar on the topic: “Possibilities of using digital educational resources in the educational process.” 17.01. – 21.01.2022 (72 hours).

- Certificate of participation in the webinar “Flipped classroom in distance learning”, organized by L’Institut français, Paris (French Institute of Paris), 04.29.2022, from 14:00 to 15:30.

- 28.10.- 01.11. 2019 – Internship certificate for obtaining the qualification of an examiner for knowledge of the French language DELF A1 (Level A1), organized by the French Alliance of Almaty, the French Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of National Education and the International Center for Pedagogical Research (Sèvres), France (32 hours).

- 06.06. - 08.06. 2019 - certificate of completion of the course (15 hours) at the Republican seminar for advanced training of French language teachers, organized by the city Center for renewal of education with the support of the French Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana.

- 07/08/2019 – diploma of advanced proficiency in French, confirming level C1 knowledge of the French language. Signed: Director of the International Center for Pedagogical Research. Sevres, France.


Foreign Language Proficiency:

French - C 1

Italian - B 1

English – Intermediate level