Acception documents for magistracy and doctoral studies – 2019
From the 3rd to the 25th of July, 2019, the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory accepts documents for magistracy and doctoral studies.
More information can be found on the website of the Conservatory in the sections "Magistracy" and "Doctorate program".
More information can be found on the website of the Conservatory in the sections "Magistracy" and "Doctorate program".
10 june 2019
Creative meeting of young directors and composers was held
On April 18, 2019 in the conference hall of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory a creative meeting of young directors and composers was held. The special guest of the event was famous director, scriptwriter, member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Amanzhol Aituarov. In the framework of the creative meeting, films of students of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts were shown, works of students-composers were presented and a discussion on cinema music issues was held.
The organizer of the meeting is senior teacher of the Musicology and composition department Danara Mussakhan.
The organizer of the meeting is senior teacher of the Musicology and composition department Danara Mussakhan.
19 april 2019
The rector of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory Arman Zhudebayev and counsellor of the rector Yermek Skakov visited Academy of Music in Krakow, Krakow (Poland).
From March 11 to March 16, 2019 the rector of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory Arman Zhudebayev and counsellor of the rector Yermek Skakov visited Academy of Music in Krakow, Krakow (Poland).
During the visit held within the Erasmus+ program rector demonstrated presentation “On history of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory” and read the lecture “On influence of folk musical art on the academic music of Kazakhstani composers”. Along with that, the rector participated in conducting master classes and observed classes of Academy’s students.
During the visit to Krakow rector and counsellor of the rector met with the management of Academy of Music in Krakow and discussed perspectives of participation of students and teachers of conservatory in various programs of academic mobility, as well as issues of exchange of best practice between two institutions.
During the visit held within the Erasmus+ program rector demonstrated presentation “On history of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory” and read the lecture “On influence of folk musical art on the academic music of Kazakhstani composers”. Along with that, the rector participated in conducting master classes and observed classes of Academy’s students.
During the visit to Krakow rector and counsellor of the rector met with the management of Academy of Music in Krakow and discussed perspectives of participation of students and teachers of conservatory in various programs of academic mobility, as well as issues of exchange of best practice between two institutions.
19 march 2019
Further training at the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N. Rimsky-Korsakov
Maia Sepp – prizewinner of international piano competitions, teacher at Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.
11 march 2019
Student from Altai State University of Culture (Russian Federation, Barnaul) came to Kurmangazy Kazakh national conservatory.
In the current academic year, in frames of academic mobility between 18.02. - 18.05. period, Kirichenko Kristina, the 2nd year student from Altai State University of Culture (Russian Federation, Barnaul) came to Kurmangazy Kazakh national conservatory with a purpose of 1 semester study at the Instrumental performance department.
2 march 2019
The 2nd round of a competition on academic mobility for 2019-2020 academic year (interview) took place.
On February 28 at 15:00 in conference room the 2nd round of a competition on academic mobility for 2019-2020 academic year (interview) took place. 14 students participated in an interview. The commission included:
1. Vice-rector for Educational and Methodical work
2. Vice-rector for Science work and International Cooperation
3. Vice-rector for Educational and Social work
4. Dean of faculty of folk music
5. Dean of faculty of instrumental performance
6. Dean of faculty of music education and management
7. Dean of faculty of musicology and performing arts
8. Head of International department
1. Vice-rector for Educational and Methodical work
2. Vice-rector for Science work and International Cooperation
3. Vice-rector for Educational and Social work
4. Dean of faculty of folk music
5. Dean of faculty of instrumental performance
6. Dean of faculty of music education and management
7. Dean of faculty of musicology and performing arts
8. Head of International department
1 march 2019
On February 27 the meeting with students of the 1st and 2nd years of study took place in the Small Hall.
On February 27 at 12 o'clock in the Small Hall the meeting with students of the 1st and 2nd years of study took place. With assistance of Abdrashev B.T., the Vice-rector for Educational and Social work, the meeting was held with the aim to provide information on to academic mobility program. During the meeting, the head of international department informed students on the opportunities of studying abroad during one semester. The students of conservatory who have already studied by academic mobility program at educational institutions of Poland, Spain and Italy made presentations on their trip, shared information about their impressions and opinions.
1 march 2019
In the framework of academic mobility student of conservatory was sent to study abroad
In the framework of academic mobility Iskak Zarina student of 3 course with the specialty “Domybra prima” of the department of folk music of Kurmangazy Kazakh national conservatory was sent to Altai State University of Culture (Russian Federation, Barnaul) for 1 semester (18.02. / 18.05.2019).
23 february 2019
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